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@Gateway Kids Las Vegas

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Las Vegas

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Our Purpose

Changing the world - one kid at a time!

Earn Daniel Dollars to buy prizes by learning Bible facts, memorizing scripture, bringing a friend or your Bible and showing character and integrity!

GKLV Bible Challenge

GKLV Bible Challenge!

If you are out of town/state you can join us online in our private ZOOM Room!

What we believe...

We believe that there is only way to God and that is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, )

We believe that kids can have a deep and personal relstionship with Christ so we focus on helping them know Him and grow in their understanding of who He is.

We believe that kids are an important part of the church and vital to the kingdom of God, not because they are the future, but because they can be filled with the Holy Sprit in their youth and begin serving God right away, sharing the Gospel and defending their faith.

We believe...

We believe...

The Fiery furnace!!

The Armor Of God Song

Kid's Praise and worship